Weekly Newsletter September 20, 2023
St. Michael’s Weekly News – September 20, 2023
This week, we are continuing our fundraising campaign for the new roofs on St Veronica's, the kitchen and Larsen Hall!
Our new roof cost $65,800! We need to fundraise so that the cost of this roof does not wipe out our future reserves.
So, please seriously consider what each of you can contribute to this vital cause.
So far, we have received $22,100, including $10,000 in matching contributions! Let's continue this progress.
We will use this space to update you each week!
Remember this is OUR church and we are all in this together (and with God's Blessing we can accomplish much!)
See our gallery for pictures of the roof construction.
Dear People of St. Michaels,
Tomorrow is the day to commemorate St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist. It is especially appropriate to recognize this day and Matthews work, in that this entire year and until the end of November, we have been reading on Sundays from the Gospel of Matthew.
Matthew joined Jesus and the Apostles at Jesus’ invitation, even though in that day, tax collectors were shunned and considered traitors working with the occupying Roman Empire. They collected the required taxes from the people for the empire and usually added to that amount to profit themselves. They were a group NOT to be seen socializing with and there was even a rule that you did not marry into a family that had tax collectors in it.
In the Gospel we have been reading from, Matthew’s Gospel, the person called from the tax collecting table is named Matthew, but in Mark and Luke, he is called Levi. Yet in the listing of the Apostles in all the Gospels, Matthew’s name is there. It could be that he was Levi, son of Alphaeus, but was given a new name in his life as a follower of Jesus. Matthew in Hebrew means ‘gift from God’. Certainly he found a new calling, for scripture records: “When Jesus said to him, "Follow me." And he rose and followed him.”
Each of the Gospel writers adds something extra, unusual, helpful to their record of Jesus life. Matthew gives us one of the two birth narratives, but he focuses more on Joseph and the dreams he has to send the young family to Egypt, to escape Herod’s wrath and then back again, to live in Nazareth. Only Matthew contains the account of the Magi who visit the child. Only Matthew’s Gospel contains the Sermon on the Mount, three chapters of direction and teaching that also contains in its very central part, the version of the Lord’s Prayer we use every Sunday. Matthew’s Gospel seems to be told from a perspective of understanding and respect for the history of the Hebrew people, leaning heavily on the prophetic voices of the past that point to Jesus’ life, teaching, death and then resurrection.
Matthew’s Gospel is the first of the four listed in the scriptures, so for many decades it was considered the oldest and first written. Scholarship in the past 100 years or so has now lead to the insight that Mark, the shortest Gospel, was written first and then Matthew and Luke used Mark as the basis for their versions, adding so much more information and insight into Jesus life.
We can give thanks for the life of Matthew and especially for the wonderful words and deeds recorded in this Gospel that bears his name.
In Christ,
Pastor Randy Knutson
Many of you know I was gone last weekend to be at the Synod Assembly of the ELCA, voting on a new bishop to serve this body (and with it, Trinity Lutheran Church, our Shared Ministry Partner) for the next six years. I was privileged to be there to hear all the events at this yearly governing meeting. After the resignation of the previous bishop, they had Bishop Claire Burkat from Philadelphia serving as their Interim Bishop. After many votes, speeches, interviews and questions being answered this Synod elected Rev. Jeff Johnson to be their new bishop. (more information here:
https://www.spselca.net/post/rev-jeff-johnson-elected-bishop-of-the-sierra-pacific-synod )
I have a long history with this Synod, working as a Lutheran Music Director in this area for 10 years in Fresno and 7 years in Lodi. It was good to be at a successful, joyful gathering as this was and see a new Bishop be elected by all the delegates. I’m especially thankful to Rev. Tansy Chapman for being present with you, preaching and presiding, so I could be there. The final two votes WERE cast on Sunday morning, September 17 before our concluding worship service at 10:30 am. in Burlingame.
St Michael & All Angels Green Team.
In August, Energy Efficiency Expert, Colby May, surveyed the Church, Larson Hall, and St. Veronica’s Hall using a handheld thermal imaging camera noting the type of lighting, type of windows, along with the efficiency of all the furnaces, electric panels, and water heater. We’ve received a comprehensive, detailed assessment report that offers suggestions and recommendations that will now help the Team develop an action plan for St Michael’s to be more energy efficient by working on simple projects such as installing weather stripping on doors and windows, the temperature setting on the water heater, refrigerator, and freezer, and working on major projects such as replacing the single pane windows with double pane in Larson and St. Veronica’s Hall, replacing fluorescent light fixtures to accommodate LED lighting etc.
We, of St. Michael’s Green Team, have a long way to go, but in line with our mission statement:
Green Team Mission Statement:
As Stewards/Caretakers of God’s Creation - our shared home Earth - it is our responsibility to preserve and protect God’s gift. As part of being good stewards, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church of Fort Bragg is committed to determine the carbon footprint of our Church buildings and grounds, develop a plan to try to reach carbon neutrality by 2030, and follow through with our plan.
The Green Team of St Michael’s is open to all who are interested in working on this very important project. If interested, contact any Green Team Member.
Please join us.
Your St. Michael’s Green Team:
Heather Anderson, Rev Randy Knutson, Robin Knutson, Marcia Waters, Rick Bondor, Renee Jones
Special Days Coming Up
Sunday, September 24; 10:45 am - Our Annual Commemoration of St. Michael and All Angels in our Sunday Service (the actual date is Sept. 29)
Sunday, October 1; 10:45 am - Our yearly Blessing of the Animals Service, held outdoors this day. All pets and owners are welcomed at this Service.
Special Event Cancellation
The Women's Group at Fort Bragg FBC has decided due to their few numbers and a lack of response this year they will be canceling the special event they had planned for Sept. 21st at 12:00 noon, called "The United Christian Women's Potluck Salad Luncheon" Sorry for any inconvenience. If you had passed the flier or previous email on to any of your ladies, please let them know the event has been canceled. Thank You!
New 2023 Directories available: Pick up a copy from the table in Larson Hall
Vestry Meeting: September 29th 2023 at 2:00 pm in Veronica Hall
September Birthdays: Andrew Scully, Margie Muto, Beverly Engelhardt, Anne Turner, Andrea Blanton, Susanne Norgard, Elea VanWormer, Mark J. Mesa, Karina Benson, Maryanne Baroni, Lynne Duncan
Online worship will be back to our normal routine this week:
Live on Facebook at 10:45 am and then it remains there.
Also recorded and downloaded later on YouTube.
Online Worship Information (back to normal)
This Sunday we will offer in-person worship and at the same time offer the online broadcast of our service at 10:45 am in the ways posted below:
Our Sunday Service will be on St. Michael’s Facebook Page:
It will also stay there on the Facebook Pages and you can watch it later.
You can also watch it on this YouTube Channel later that day as well.
This is a NEW St. Michaels YouTube Channel and also on our website!
When you can, check our new website:https://www.stmichaelfb.com/