Weekly Newsletter October 4, 2023
St. Michael’s Weekly News – October 4, 2023
We are a month into our roof capital campaign. We have received $23,700 to date, including the matching contribution of $10,000. It’s now time for an extra push to encourage parishioners to help raise the funds we need. Unfortunately, we have a long way to go! So please open your hearts and your checkbooks and contribute to God’s building. We appreciate all your efforts. Thank you from your Treasurer.
Dear People of St. Michaels,
Today, October 4th is the day the Church and the world commemorates St. Francis of Assisi. We already did so last Sunday, with a service that incorporated an animal blessing. However, it is good to mark this day and remember St. Francis, one of the most beloved of saints. He lived 1181-1226, beginning and ending his live in Assisi, Italy. He was born into a privileged family, but after a generally frivolous youth, he tried his hand at making a mark on this world as a soldier and adventurer. Upon returning home, with some sickness and need to heal, he was touched by the voice of God to renew the church; specifically a building there, but also the whole Church in the direction it was going. He gave up worldly goods and started an order that was devoted to living in poverty and helping others and bringing new life to the Church.
I like how theologian Gail Ramshaw summed up his life in this almost stream of conscience paragraph:
“The layman Francis is perhaps the most popular of saint of all time, revered by Christians and non-Christians alike. The many stories told about him include: his youth as a troubadour; his rejection of his father’s wealth; his love of nature; his preaching to the birds; his taming of the wolf of Gubbio; his visit to the Sultan in 1219 during the Crusade; his Rule for the new religious order of Franciscans, devoted to a life of poverty and service; his collaboration with the Poor Clares; his invention of the Christmas creche; and his bearing on his body, the marks of the wounds of Christ. Franciscans are known especially for their ministry to the poor.”
We see in Francis a love of nature that mirrors what many have come to believe and know; that in nature, we get a very present glimpse of God and the perfection of God’s creation. Also, that in ministry to the Other, we can find a peace and joy inside that can only come to us through God. It is good we honor him on or near this date every year and bring some of the beloved parts of nature to worship (pets and animals) to receive and know God’s blessings.
In Christ,
Pastor Randy Knutson
Special Thanks
Special thanks to those who helped set up early for our outdoor service on Sunday. After doing a few of these over the summer, the rhythm of what to do and what goes where becomes familiar. However, on this day, when I have regular duties indoors at Trinity Lutheran on Sunday morning, then move on to our outdoor service at St. Michaels, it is especially stressful. I was so glad to see the chairs out and many pieces of equipment already in place when I came to St. Michaels this past Sunday. Many thanks to Jim Waters, Richard Crandall, Rick Bondor, Teresa Magaña, Marcia Waters, Ann Blanton and many others who prepared things and had them ready to go.
Special Thank You for the blessing of new planters along the sidewalks leading into Larsen Hall (see photos in our Gallery). These were created and completed by Chris Charters and Chris Johnson this week and will beatify St. Michaels for many years.
New 2023 Directories available: Pick up a copy from the table in Larson Hall
October Birthdays: Scott Dabel, Anne Blanton, Penny Neese, Kylie Navarro, Brother Michael, Christopher Crawford, Hector Magana, Carolyn Chernow, Sue Makovin, Trisha VanWormer
October Anniversaries: Erik & Charla Thorbecke, Kathy & Tom Charters
Online Worship Information
This Sunday we will offer in-person worship and at the same time offer the online broadcast of our service at 10:45 am in the ways posted below:
Our Sunday Service will be on St. Michael’s Facebook Page:
It will also stay there on the Facebook Pages and you can watch it later.
You can also watch it on this YouTube Channel later that day as well.
This is a NEW St. Michaels YouTube Channel and also on our website!
Website: When you can, check our new website:https://www.stmichaelfb.com/