Weekly Newsletter December 13, 2023
St. Michael’s Weekly News – December 13, 2023
Dear People of St. Michaels,
Although this Advent season is a time of preparation and longing for the return of the light, it is also full of unusual characters who are remembered in course of history and Church History. Last week, December 7th, it was St. Nicholas of Myra, who was known for his abiding faith and his generosity to those in need. He was a bishop of the Church and the legacy of his life was transformed into the person of Santa Claus, seen so much in our Christmas culture. He is still the giver of gifts, but not just to those in need, but the deserving; who have not been ‘naughty’, but nice.
One week later, today, December 13th, we remember Lucy, or Lucia, who was martyred at Syracuse, in Sicily, during Diocletian’s reign of terror of 303-304, among the most dramatic of the persecutions of early Christians. Her tomb can still be found in the catacombs at Syracuse. She was venerated soon after her death and her cult spread quickly throughout the church. In the tradition she is remembered for the purity of her life and the gentleness of her spirit. Because her name means “light,” she is sometimes thought of as the patron saint of those who suffer from diseases of the eyes.
In one of the early Church Calendars they believed this day, December 13, was the shortest day of the year, so from this St. Lucia’s Day, the light itself started to return (with careful measurement we have moved that day about a week: December 21/22 depending upon the year.) This was particularly powerful in northern Europe where the days of winter were quite short. In Scandinavian countries, particularly Sweden, Lucy’s day has long been a festival of light that is kept as both an ecclesiastical commemoration and a domestic observance.
In the domestic celebration of Lucia-fest, a young girl in the
family dresses in pure white (a symbol of Lucy’s faith, purity, and martyrdom) and wears a crown of lighted candles upon her head (a sign that on Lucy’s day the light is returning) and serves her family special foods prepared especially for the day. In praise of her service, the young girl is called Lucy for the day.
I didn’t know it when I went there, but having attended a Lutheran College, they made a big deal of this “Santa Lucia” day and there, being crowned “Lucia Bride” was actually more of an important thing that homecoming queen!
It think then, and now, this days comes about midway between when December begins and the expected celebrations of Christmas; so for students on campus, a welcome break and celebration that the semester and the first ½ year of college studies was nearly over.
Let us use this day to welcome the light of Christ; to bear down both upon our own preparations for Christ’s coming and to get those cards, letters and presents on there way to those we know and love.
Happy Santa Lucia Day!
In Christ,
Pastor Randy Knutson
Our December 2023 worship schedule:
Sunday, December 17 (Third Sunday of Advent) - 10:45 am Eucharist
Sunday, December 24 (Fourth Sunday of Advent) - 10:45 am Eucharist
Sunday, December 24 (Christmas Eve) - 10:00 pm Eucharist
Sunday, December 31 (1st Sunday of Christmas) - 10:45 am Eucharist
January 2024
Saturday, January 6 (Epiphany) - 6:30 pm Shared Holy Communion Service
Sunday, January 7 (Baptism of our Lord) - 10:45 am Eucharist
Don’t forget the OTHER Ecumenical Advent Services in December; always at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays; today in Fort Bragg at the Fort Bragg Presbyterian Church on Sanderson. Join with other believers in hearing God’s Word and preparing for Christ’s coming!
Memorial Service for Jim Britt will be held here at St. Michaels at 11:00 am on Saturday, December 16th. Please join family and friends for this service and reception following in Larsen Hall that day.
As war wages on, please note the prayer offered by our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry for the Middle East:
Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn
but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the
strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that
all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of
Peace, as children of one Father; to whom be dominion and
glory, now and forever. Amen.
Prayers for the World, Book of Common Prayer, p. 815.
Christmas Altar Poinsettia Orders are OPEN until December 14th:
Green order forms are on the table in Larsen Hall – You may wish to honor or memorialize loved ones with these beautiful Altar decorations at Christmas. Suggested amount is $15 per Poinsettia. Please return orders to the office or place in offering plate by Thursday, December 14th – thank you! You can also request poinsettias by calling the office at 707-964-1900 or emailing us at stmike@mcn.org
Message from your Treasurer.
As of this week, we are over $6,000 short on our pledges. Please check to see if you are behind. We count on receiving each and every one of your pledges so would appreciate any ‘catch-up’ amounts this month. If you have any questions about your pledge, feel free to call Heather Anderson, your Pledge Secretary @ 707 225 2596 or myself @ 707 357 1277.
Thanks, Sarah
Vestry Meeting: December 15th 2023 at 2:30 pm in Larson Hall
December Birthdays: Christopher Duncan, Dave Turner, Sean Dabel, Heather Anderson, Bridget Dabel, Ken Theilen, Macie Liljeberg, Carol Romeri, Sheri Wollman, Richard Crawford, Jaret Navarro, Aaron Peterson, Jr., Toby Brazill, Martha Poe, The Rev. Tansy Chapman, Justin Hatfield
Online Worship Information
(The Advent Service tonight will also be on these links below at 6:30 pm)
This Sunday we will offer in-person worship and at the same time offer the online broadcast of our service at 10:45 am in the ways posted below:
Our Sunday Service will be on St. Michael’s Facebook Page:
It will also stay there on the Facebook Pages and you can watch it later.
You can also watch it on this YouTube Channel later that day as well.
This is a NEW St. Michaels YouTube Channel and also on our website!
Website: When you can, check our new website: https://www.stmichaelfb.com/