St. Michael's Weekly News - November
Dear Friends in Christ,
I'm happy to report our Diocesan Convention DID happen on Friday, November 5 and Saturday, November 6, all online via Zoom. We had such a convention last year, so many of our delegates and clergy already had experience with this. Of course, we missed the interaction in person, the 'bumping' into old friends, meeting new people and learning where people are from. We had some times of open conversation at the beginning of each day, as we needed to get about 300 people signed into Zoom to have a quorum. People used that time to discuss different topics not related to the convention, but once we had a quorum we needed to begin in earnest.
St. Michaels was well represented by our delegates Kathe Charters, Heather Anderson, Robin Knutson and your priest. In addition, we made two musical contributions to our Convention. A small group from the above and Jim Blanton lead two hymns for our Evening Service, live, on Zoom from our Sanctuary. We sang and Robin Knutson played organ. We had practiced, but mostly we had some anxiety waiting for business and other things to end and then know we were finally going to sing live, in front of everyone. Similarly, I chanted a psalm and rang handbells with a singer who was in Santa Rosa. We practiced a few times before, alternating the psalm by the whole verse and then I would ring and change bells for her and for me online. It worked well; we also practiced Saturday at 8:00 am and had to wait for the service to begin just before 9 am Saturday morning.
Our Diocese had elections at this Convention, but also we had some resolutions to consider. They concerned changing our Diocesan Constitution so that our Convention and the announcements to hold it could be done electronically, as we had done the last two years. In addition, we considered the idea of having an openness to a 'hybrid' convention if need be: many people still gathering physically (in Redding, say or Sacramento) and then some joining us online. There are no plans to always do that, but considering fires and other surprises that have come in recent years, it is something to have in place. We also sent to the General Convention in July of 2022 three things to consider from our Diocese of Northern California. Two commemorations to be added to our Liturgical Calendar: Howard Thurman and John R. Lewis. These passed with lots of support. The other was an idea that has been bubbling around the Episcopal Church: to formally allow and invite non-baptized people to communion. There are deep roots, historically in the Episcopal Church and in Christendom, to believe baptism is the entry rite into the Church and then the taking in of Christ in the Bread and the Wine. That has been the accepted order of things. However, recently, people have felt it would be more welcoming to not have that barrier. There have been times when individual parishes, priests and even Bishops have not been rigid bout this understanding. This passed with some differing votes in both Clergy and Lay Orders, but by a majority. It will now go on for the greater Church to consider, probably with some study and then a decision. This is not something we can just do locally, but instead, express our opinion and see where the Holy Spirit and the will of the church takes it.
Others from our delegation can tell you more about Convention this year, but I thought I should bring the parish inform you now, so you know of our involvement and representation of you this past weekend
In Christ,
Pastor Randy Knutson+
Stewardship Program Coming over the Next Two Weeks
We are planning our Stewardship in-gathering soon to conclude with pledge cards being gathered on Sunday, November 21 at our 10:45 am Service. Look for a letter and your pledge card coming to you in the in the mail, soon. They will be brought to the altar that Sunday, Blessed and Dedicated. You can either attend and do this that Sunday or send it in ahead of time. Your dedication to our ministry together has continued so strongly, even during this time of COVID and we hope, will continue in the new year of 2022.
A Service of Thanksgiving, at Trinity, Tuesday, November 23 at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, November 23, Trinity Lutheran will host our yearly Service of Thanksgiving in their Sanctuary. We do this as part of our Shared Ministry and alternate who hosts it at their church; it is their turn. It will be a 7 pm service of Holy Communion in their building followed by a pie social in their hall afterward. The pie pieces will be plated and ready to eat, in the hall, restaurant style, at a distance from each other or to be taken home. They are worshipping as we are, with masks, singing with them on and yet still receiving Holy Communion. Please plan on gathering together and inviting others to join our two congregations in worship to give thanks!
St.Veronica's Changes Coming Soon
St. Michaels applied and received a grant from the Episcopal Foundation of Northern California to add to and improve our electronic communication. The initial work done was to bring more electrical sockets to the longer walls of our Sanctuary. That has been completed. The next is to install a large screen TV and equipment to allow St. Veronica's Hall to be used as teleconferencing room for us (Vestry, Bible Study) and outside groups meeting in that room. We did much deliberation about what equipment to install (we even had the promised help of a Diocesan Consultant from Sacramento) and it has arrived. Look for it to go up in the next two weeks; if all goes well. We might even have a chance to have members come and see it in action on Sunday, Nov. 21 or Nov. 28 after worship. We will keep you posted.
Bob Reynolds, Brian Hurley, Georgia Frey, Cathryn Fairlee, Sarah King, Pastor Randy Knutson, John Hurley, Rachel Merrit, Rosemary Jewett, Bob Crawford, Richard Nowlin, Cassiti Baroni, Cheri Benson, Sallie McConnell
During this evolving time, there are no set Office Hours. Cindi is generally in the office on Wednesday mornings from 9-12 for now. Pastor Randy and Sarah will be checking the church email and the office phone regularly. Please call or email the church, Pastor Randy or Sarah Fogg
(email:, 964-5625 and 357-1277)
Rev. Randy A. Knutson 209-327-1870 (cell/text) 707 -964-1900-Office